sligo business headshot

Photographing headshots for a local Sligo dental surgery recently. Wine Street Dental had me in a few weeks ago to photograph all their staff for their new website. After finding a suitable location to set up, I captured 9 of the folks there in quick succession enabling the surgery to get back to work quickly and focus on their patients.

In today’s business, people come first and remember first impressions matter. With so many platforms to showcase on – LinkedIn/Facebook/Instagram/Website – having a professionally photographed business headshot shows you have high standards and that you want to stand at from the crowd.

Headshots can be photographed against plain backgrounds or be more environmental, taking in your area of work as the background.

To see more examples of Mark’s Sligo Business Portraits, click here.

Want to discuss your business headshot photography needs?

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sligo business headshot

sligo business headshotwine street dental

| Contact Mark for Headshot Info |

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