strandhill surf folkStrandhill Surf Folk photography exhibition is open…finally!

After what seems like months getting ready for my first proper exhibition, we had the opening evening last night in Strandhill, in the National Surf Centre!

I’m totally overwhelmed by the support from everybody who came to the opening of Strandhill Surf Folk photo exhibition! We had surfers & non-surfers alike walk through the doors of the National Surf Centre in Strandhill to view the 85 portraits, chat amongst the community, and just have an all round relaxed chilled summer evening – it’s exactly what I hoped for when I planned the exhibition & opening in particular!

It seems print has a future! I really appreciate all the kind words about the photographs in particular, whether it was from people who had seen them on Instagram but not in print, or people who hadn’t seen them at all, but loved the detail, the personality of the people photographed and the space chosen for the exhibition. Loxley Colour as always knocked it out of the park with the outstanding quality of over 85 prints, beautifully matted…the only choice when so many images were being showcased!

Strandhill Surf Folk runs in the National Surf Centre, Strandhill until June 28th. Contact Surf Centre as hours vary.

If you didn’t purchase your print at the opening, no worries, you have all month, just pop in anytime to the exhibition or let me know here via email & we can sort it! €20 per image & images will be ready after the exhibition ends! 100% of proceeds goes to RNLI Sligo Bay Lifeboats.

If you’ve been to the exhibition and are wondering about the book – you can purchase it by clicking here.

Many thanks to the exhibition sponsors:

The Strand Bar, Mammy Johnstons, Voya, Shells Cafe, The Wetsuit Company, Stoked

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