strandhill photographerCongratulations Kerin & Conal!

This was a great wedding…and right from the moment I arrived in the morning through some of the heaviest rain of the summer, the sun started to peek out, and the bride & her bridesmaid made me feel very welcome and that continued for the rest of the day as I had photographed Conal’s sisters wedding only two years ago, so I was very well known and that always makes for a great relaxed day as everyone knows I’m not going to spend ages getting pictures done & will let everyone get on with enjoying the day to the max!

It’s rare that I can walk from the bridal preparations location to the church but on this day for Kerin & Conal’s wedding, that was the case, and actually I didn’t need my car at all as we did the family shots within walking distance of the church right in the middle of Westport, then I jumped in with the bride & groom to head to the point for some pictures before heading back to the Castlecourt via Matt Molloys pub!

Huge shout-out to the always mega band, Late Nite Radio, for going with it & reading the crowd perfectly which led to some of the best dancing I’ve seen at a wedding! I kept wanting to leave after half an hour or so, but kept staying for the next song, & the next song! Thankfully the food break came up or I might have stayed there all night!!

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